China scientists show cell subset contains chronic viral infection
Source: Xinhua News
Chinese scientists have defined a subset of a type of virus-specific cells that play a vital role in the control of viral replication in chronic viral infection, possibly paving the way for new ways to treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer.
According to research published online by Nature magazine on Aug. 3, virus-specific cells, CD8 +T, appear to deplete during chronic viral infection.
However, according to the research findings, the cells are able to control viral replication in both animal models and HIV infection.More
Save the Date: China AIDS Walk in Beijing, Sep 24
Source: the Beijinger
It's that time of year again: get up and walk along the Great Wall to help fight against HIV discrimination through fund raising and raising awareness.
To sign up for the walk, all you have to do is donate over RMB 300. To donate, click on this link, or get in touch with AJ Song from the Beijing Health Gender Education Institute here. If you can't attend the walk yourself, you can still donate towards the cause or in support of a friend who is walking.
This round marks the fifth session of the China AIDS Walk, with money being raised for AIDS education classes among adolescents. Hopes are that 100 schools can establish education classes to communicate knowledge about HIV prevention and reduce the threat of HIV to young people.More
HIV-infected boy, 8, seeks payout
Source: China net
An 8-year-old boy from Hunan Province is seeking compensation for being infected with HIV while receiving hospital treatment.
According to the health authority of Zhangjiajie City, the boy was confirmed HIV positive in July 2015, after receiving a blood transfusion in January, 2014 when he was seriously injured in a traffic accident.
The authority said although the boy had definitely been infected, it was difficult to determine the exact source and route of the infection.More
Is US HIV Testing Day duplicable for China?
Source: PR Newswire
Beijing Marr Bio-Pharmaceutical Co. (Marrbio) reports a discussion, whose topic was the necessity to establish HIV Testing Day in China, has just concluded. Results revealed that more than 80% of the participants agreed that China should have their own version of the National HIV testing day.
Look to America --- The establishment of "HIV Testing Day"
The United States observed the 22nd National HIV Testing Day on June 27th. Meanwhile, three powerful Chinese news media started a survey regarding HIV testing. More than 60% of participants believe that "Passion and Curiosity are more important than Safety for their First Love." Sexual concept is well accepted in China as western countries.More
Children and adolescents have a right to know their HIV status from early age
Source: the Star
Keeping a secret is most probably the hardest thing in life, especially if it touches on a member of your family.
Despite it being term as ‘the best thing for you’ it is usually not the case as it brings a lot of hatred and anger which could have been averted had the secret been let out of the bag early enough.
For instance, how can a mother disclose to her child about his/her HIV status? How does she start the conversation?
Imagine living a secret life for 17 years. No one bothers to tell you what is happening. That was 19 year old Joyce AmondiAuma’s life. For seventeen years, she did not know that she was HIV positive and neither was she on any medication.
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