China NGO Leadership Cohort – Technical Assistance Program
Source: | Author:hkb980dd | Published time: 2012-06-25 | 604 Views | Share:
In 2012-13, Asia Catalyst will offer 10 NGOs working in the area of health rights the opportunity to receive training and provide mutual support through our NGO Leadership Cohort. The cohort is a one-year capacity-building program aimed at improving organizations’ organizational management skills through a series of four weekend workshops, peer support and individualized coaching. The cohort is open to organizations working in the field of health rights, including groups working on such issues as:

HIV/AIDS affected communities
Hepatitis and other infectious diseases
Women’s and children’s health
Environmental health and pollution
Disabled persons’ health
Occupational health
Other issues relating to the right to health

The cohort program will include four intensive weekend workshops over the course of one year.
Between each workshop, participants will complete homework assignments and will receive support from other workshop participants, as well as coaching by Asia Catalyst staff. In addition, several participants from the first year of the NGO Leadership Cohort will serve as assistant trainers during the 2012-2013 program. Travel expenses will be covered by Asia Catalyst. At the end of the year, some participants may have the option to participate in the cohort program for a second year in order to become certified as cohort trainers themselves
To apply, please fill out below application form and return it to by
July23, 2012. After we have reviewed all applications we will contact suitable organizations for the next round of selection interviews. Our final selection will be announced in October 2012. The first training will take place in November 2012.
Please use English or Chinese to fill out the form. Read each question carefully to ensure that you are answering all parts. Please limit your application to no more than five pages maximum, attachments excluded. All information provided in the application and interviews will be kept strictly confidential.
Click here to download the application form.