Ms. Jie Liu Community Support Adviser
Published time: 2019-07-05
Ms. Jie Liu
Community Support Adviser
Tel: (8610) 8532 2226 ext. 95466
Fax: (8610) 8532 2228
Jie Liu joined UNAIDS in 2014. Jie is responsible for advocacy, information and communication at UNAIDS. This role involves developing and implementing the UNAIDS China advocacy strategy, maintaining communication with Chinese and international media and other partners and facilitating sharing and dissemination of key information, publications and updates through various channels. Jie is responsible for the UNAIDS China website and social media platforms.
Prior to joining UNAIDS, Jie has over 10 years’ experience working in AIDS on national and global lever, worked in Nigeria as HIV program adviser for a year and worked for Global Fund AIDS Program (R5), National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention and Community Based Organization in China.