Strategic Information Adviser
Dr. GUO Wei joined in UNAIDS China Office in May of 2018. His main responsibilities at UNAIDS are to 1) support the HIV response and evaluation in China by collecting, summarizing and disseminating strategic information, guidance material, and good practices to counter-partners in China ; 2) support the data collection, analysis and use, and pilot HIV combination prevention projects among key population at hot spots; 3) coordinate and organize information sharing among UN agencies, program sponsors, and key stake holders in China; 4) work closely with UNAIDS country offices and other stakeholders to develop a cross-border program to fast track the HIV response in the border areas. Dr. GUO Wei had worked for National Centre for AIDS& STD Control and Prevention, China CDC for ten years and organized national surveillance, estimations and data analysis programs, had rich experience on HIV surveillance, monitoring and evaluation.
Address: 2-8-1, Tayuan Diplomatic Office Building
14, Liangmahe Nanlu, Dongwai Dajie
Beijing, 100600, P.R. China
Tel: (8610) 8532 2226
Fax: (8610) 8532 2228