Tender Notice of UNAIDS China Office
Source: | Author:hkb980dd | Published time: 2019-12-17 | 1063 Views | Share:
UNAIDS China is seeking a strong and competitive company to provide an event management support for the “Orientation on Strengthening Pharmaceutical Capacities in Africa: through collaboration between AU recognized Regional Economic Communities of Africa and the People’s Republic of China”. 

Please see attached:
1. Terms of Reference and;
2. Budget Bidding Proposal Template for financial quote.

If you are interested in this work, please send your financial quote form to UNAIDS China office via email: China@unaids.org Subject: RFP-AU Orientation.

Application deadline by 00:00, 23rd December 2019.

Please note that responses after due date shall not be considered and only short-listed companies will be contacted.

Best regards,

UNAIDS China office