United Nations staff living with HIV applaud Chinese decision to remove HIV related entry restrictions
Source: | Author:hkb980dd | Published time: 2010-04-28 | 357 Views | Share:
The United Nations HIV Positive Staff Group (UN Plus) congratulates the Chinese Government for removing HIV related entry restrictions for visitors living with HIV.
UN Plus stands firmly against laws that impede the movement across borders of people living with HIV as they fuel stigma and are of no public health value. Earlier this year, UNAIDS called for global freedom of movement for people living with HIV. This decision of the Chinese Government is one step in that direction.
We are extremely happy that the Chinese Government has lifted this policy. Restrictions on entry, stay and residence are just one of the many forms of discrimination that those of us living with HIV face worldwide. As a member of this community, I can imagine what this positive move will mean to my brothers and sisters living in other countries who desire to visit China, just as I desire to visit them. All forms of discrimination against people living with HIV do nothing but make the whole situation worse. We hope other countries that implement such restrictions will follow this example soon’, said Beijing based UN Plus member Ming Tian-hao (alias).
Justice Edwin Cameron of the South African Constitutional Court, himself living with HIV, has travelled to China twice in the last 18 months and met with Government officials to discuss the travel ban. 
‘I am particularly delighted to hear of this decision as the visa restrictions were illogical. They nearly led to the cancellation of my last trip to China because of a misunderstanding between government departments. I am relieved this will never happen again to anyone living with HIV’, stated Justice Cameron on learning of the news.
Fifty one countries, territories, and areas currently impose some form of travel restriction on the entry, stay and residence of people living with HIV based on their HIV status; five countries deny visas to people living with HIV for even short-term stays; and 23 countries deport individuals once their HIV-positive status is discovered.
In January 2010, the United States of America removed its long-standing HIV-related entry, stay and residence restrictions. Several other countries plan to remove restrictions shortly. More information on the list of countries with some form of entry restriction for people living with HIV can be found at this website: http://hivtravel.org.
About UN+
UN Plus is the United Nations system-wide advocacy group of staff living with HIV. It was established in March, 2005 brings together HIV positive staff working in the UN system from across the regions and agencies. Its mission statement is: 'Uniting for Solidarity, equality and acceptance for people living with HIV within the UN system through awareness raising, policy change and advocacy.' UN Plus provides peer advice, support and advice for HIV in the workplace related issues to UN staff and external partners.
For more information please contact: Bhatupe Mhango at mhangob@unaids.org. You may also visit the website: www.unplus.org